Amateur Radio operators are
sometimes called Radio Hams
A few months earlier …
What a beautiful day!
Yes, but look
over there …
… who are they and
what are they doing?
Those at the table are
Radio Amateurs.
Amateur Radio
Amateur Radio is a hobby that
allows people to transmit on a radio.
They can be as close as in the
same building or as far away as
the other side of the world.
Some people - Short Wave
just enjoy
Why is it sometimes
called Ham Radio?
No one really
knows for sure
… Alex and his dad were out
for a walk when they came
across a group of tents and
radio aerials …
# One possible explanation is that in the early days of radio, when Morse Code was in
common use, the commercial radio operators looked down on Radio Amateurs and
claimed their operation of the Morse key was ham fisted (meaning clumsy).