One of the most likely places for the source of the interference is in your own house. Could it be something in the shack, or in the home? Progressively turning off all electrical devices may pinpoint the source. Try everything—fridges, televisions, radios, mobile phone chargers, electric toothbrushes, central heating controllers, LED lighting, computers, routers, etc. Do not assume that because a device such as a TV is on standby that it cannot cause interference. Disconnect it from the mains. Do the same with such things as USB chargers. Plug in and out the USB device being charged. Be aware that sometimes the interference can be even greater with devices on standby than when they are fully on. Remember that most modern electronic devices use switched mode power supplies—even some that are battery operated—and also be aware that some may be permanently wired in and cannot be unplugged.
If possible, operate your receiver on batteries and turn off
all the mains power to your house at the consumer unit. If the interference reduces or disappears, then turn devices on one at a time until the offending device is found.
But remember that even turning off the power may not silence everything, since some items may have battery backup—e.g. an alarm system. Further be aware that alarm systems may have active electronics in the external bell box that can cause interference. Even 'dummy' bell boxes that have battery powered flashing LEDs can cause interference.
With the mains power switched off, the telephone line will nevertheless still be active, even if your cordless phone and internet router are off. For the telephone, try disconnecting all the internal house telephone wiring. For a BT Openreach installation, this is typically done by removing the front cover of the master socket. If this changes the level of the interference it may well identify this as a likely source.
If possible, use a portable radio, portable transceiver, or RTL dongle, perhaps with a sniffer loop, to try to locate the source by moving the receiver around and noting the change in level received. If possible, either turn off the AGC on the receiver or alternately watch the S meter since with the AGC on this will tend to counteract any change in signal level as the receiver is moved towards and away from the source of the interference. If you are using a receiver with a ferrite rod antenna—e.g. an AM broadcast receiver—then remember that this has useful directional properties—typically a strong null when the ferrite rod is at right angles to the source—and this can be used to help to direction-find an offending interference source.
Also beware that most devices emit near-field emissions so you need to find a frequency where the interference is present near the device and then see how fast it decays as you move away. Near-field effects often decay away within two to four metres.
If the source is in your property, it may be possible to eliminate the interference by filtering the mains supply, or using common mode chokes on the antenna feeder, or by moving cables or feeders further away from the source—for example, see