Above 275 GHz NoV Application Form

After completing and submitting the form below, follow the link that appears on this page to download your NoV.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

1. Name of Licensee

*Title: *Last name: *First name:

2. Licensee’s main station address

*Address line 1:   Address line 2:   Address line 3:   Address line 4: *Postcode:

3. Operational location

Address, NGR, or longitude and latitude.

*Operational location line 1:   Operational location line 2:   Operational location line 3:   Operational location line 4:   Operational location line 5:   Operational location line 6:

4. Other details

*Licensee’s call sign: *Amateur radio licence number: *Email address:

5. Agreement

Tick boxes to agree.

*I am the holder of a valid Full amateur radio licence
*I apply for a Notice of Variation to my licence