What a fantastic day!
Guess what it is I like the
most about Amateur Radio?
No - What I like the most about being
a Radio Amateur is making friends
with people from all over the world!
You met Yeshey from Bhutan. He is
a good friend of mine who I met
through Amateur Radio. I also have a
friend from Japan, his name is Hiroshi,
and I have another friend from Peru.
Her name is Maria.
Talking to
That’s neat! I always wanted to
try Japanese food, and I want
to find out about the latest
Japanese apps and games!
What’s that
Morse Code
Do I have to master Morse
Code to get a licence?
Morse Code is a data
language. Patterns of dots
and dashes replace the
letters of the alphabet.
Not any more – but you do get
a chance to decode and send
messages using a code sheet
at your own speed as part of
the practical assessment.
No prob.
Get into the habit of reading the Morse dots as
di (pronounced as in dip) and the dashes as
dah, and keep a steady rhythm in your mind.
A is di dah, K is dah di dah
. If a dot is at the
end of a letter read it as dit so
R is di dah dit
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