Knowledge Checklist
Quiz 4
Multiple Choice Quiz (tick the best answer
1 Which one of the call signs below indicates a Foundation licensee
transmitting in Scotland?
A [ ] M6ABC/S
B [ ] M6ABC
C [ ] M6ABC/M
D [ ] MM6ABC
2 A Full licensee may have the call sign
A [ ] MW0XYZ
B [ ] MD6XYZ
C [ ] MU3XYZ
D [ ] 2M1XYZ
3 RTTY and PSK31 are both
A [ ] Brazilian call signs
B [ ] types of data signals
C [ ] types of transistor
D [ ] secret codes
4 A TNC converter (Terminal Node Controller) is connected
A [ ] between the antenna and the transceiver
B [ ] between the mains and the transceiver
C [ ] between a PC and the transceiver
D [ ] between the earth connection and the transceiver
5 Morse code consists of
A [ ] a pattern of dots and dashes
B [ ] dots sent at different speeds
C [ ] dashes sent at different speeds
D [ ] a different voltage for every letter of the alphabet
6 The regional identifier for Guernsey is
A [ ] G
B [ ] U
C [ ] D
D [ ] I
7 A significant feature of the amateur licence is that
A [ ] it is available from all post offices
B [ ] it is non-commercial in nature
C [ ] attendance at training classes is compulsory
D [ ] the Foundation licence is recognised worldwide.
Answers are on the bottom of page 24.